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Selectmen Minutes 04/08/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 8, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00pm.

SUBJECT: Department Heads
PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent; Gil Vien, Fire Chief; David Paveglio, Building Inspector; Mike Paveglio, Deputy Building Inspector
BI –Mr. Paveglio has issued the Certificate of Occupancy for the Daniels residence on King Road.  A signed statement is attached stating that the residence may never be used as a two-family dwelling, the siding must be completed before the expiration of the building permit and the trailer must not be occupied and removed no later than September 1, 2008.  

Mr. Paveglio submitted a report of the inspections completed on the 763 Second Street property.  Mr. Paveglio is satisfied that every stipulation of the court settlement has been satisfied at this time.  The property owner is in Florida at the moment but site work is being performed.  Selectman MacCleery asked Mr. Paveglio if he had performed the inspections prior to the issuance of the permit.  Mr. Paveglio answered yes.

There are building permits available for new residential dwellings in 2008.  Four slots from 2009 have moved into 2008 and still there are available permits.

Mr. Paveglio has denied a building permit request due to wetlands infringement at 18 Towle Road. The applicant was advised to file with the Board of Adjustment.  Clarification was given by Mr. MacCleery that the filing would be for expansion of a non-conforming use because the existing structure already infringes on the wetland buffer.

FD – The Chief is still searching for quotes for the furnace replacement at the station.  The Chief would like the station to be included in the fuel bid this year.  The bid would need to include propane along with the heating oil.

On behalf of the Cemetery Trustees, Gil reported that tree branches have once again fallen and taken down a section of fence in Leavitt Cemetery.  It will be a $600.00 repair job.  The trustees are going to hold off at this time and approach the new property owner in an attempt to get the tree removed.

The cruiser will need to be parked outside now so that the forestry vehicle can be put back in the station.  One cruiser is parked, locked and blocking access to apparatus.  The fire department does not access to a key for the cruiser.

The department will make every attempt to burn the Shaw Field within the next couple of weeks, conditions permitting.

Chief Vien has spoken to the homeowner regarding the damaged fencing along the stations property boundary.  The homeowners were agreeable to replacing the fence with a hedge.

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BOS minutes
April 8, 2008

HWY- The department has finished up with all the maintenance on the equipment.   The blue International needed a new Vehicle Identification Number issued.  

Mr. Kenneally submitted price lists for materials from area vendors.  Concord Sand and Gravel appears to have the best options.

Mr. Kenneally is seeking quotes for the paving work on Center Road.  Again, Concord Sand and Gravel has the best price, but will only guarantee that price through June 1, 2008.  

The third year of the ditching project will encompass the north side of Chichester.  This work should begin once spring grading is finished.

The Board asked for an explanation of why a contractor was given the task of checking the roads for snow removal violations and not the Road Agent or at least a highway employee.  Mr. Kenneally stated that the department was out straight with plowing and he was trying to keep the overtime costs down.  The rate listed on the invoice was incorrect and an oversight on his part.

Selectman Jordan stated it was still his opinion that the responsibility was the Road Agents and not a contractor’s. Mr. Kenneally stated it’s an enforcement issue, it’s not my job either the Board has made it my job.

Chairman DeBold inquired the status of the vacant telephone pole on Smith Sanborn Road.  Mr. Kenneally stated it was the phone company’s responsibility to remove it now that all wires are off of it.

Selectman MacCleery asked for clarification of what duties listed under plowing/sanding, was the employee performing on March 28 & 29 as there was no equipment for such on the truck.  Mr. Kenneally responded that the employee was out checking roads for problem spots during the storm and handling any problems that arose.

Selectman MacCleery stated again this week; two employees have two hours of overtime, why?  Mr. Kenneally answered that one of the occasions, an employee needed to remain for the vehicle inspections.  
Selectman MacCleery responded that we need to watch this line; there is not much money left.
Mr. Kenneally is keeping an eye on it.

Selectman MacCleery relayed a phone call he received from Mr. Henry Huntington, owner of Pleasant View Gardens in Loudon, seeking permission for their trucks to travel over Pleasant Street, currently a posted road, on April 16.  The Town of Loudon will be replacing a culvert and their end of Pleasant Street will be closed that day.  The Board of Selectmen gave approval for this day of travel only.  The Road Agents opinion and the Board concurred with that opinion, was to continue to allow town only traffic on Pleasant Street for the remaining posting period with the exception of that one day for Pleasant View.  Selectman MacCleery will notify Mr. Huntington of the Board’s decision.

Selectman MacCleery offered to research agricultural uses and limiting of travel over posted roads to further define the policy for next year.

The Building Inspector stated that Millican Nurseries has inquired about a building permit.  Would they need to go before the Planning Board for Site Plan Review?  The answer given by Planning Board member Chris Weir was that the zoning ordinances do not state such for the rural zone.
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BOS minutes
April 8, 2008


The Board approved the request on behalf of the Planning Board to use Cable Franchise Fees for the purchase of a clarity microphone to be used for the recording of meetings.  This vendor is offering a thirty day money back guarantee on the equipment.  Should this improve the sound quality on recordings, all boards will have the option to use it.

Chairman DeBold reported that the Planning Board has appointed Tom Jameson as Chairman and Chris Weir as the Vice Chairman.

Chairman DeBold swore in Selectman Jordan as Alternate Ex-Officio for the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment and Selectman MacCleery as Alternate Ex-Officio for the Planning Board.  Selectman MacCleery swore in Chairman DeBold as an Alternate Ex-Officio for the Board of Adjustment.

The Board discussed the cost of the No Parking signs ordered for Bailey Road.  There does not appear to be any other appropriate line in the budget, therefore the Board agreed the cost will be charged under the highway departments budget line for signs.

Selectman MacCleery discussed the issue of endorsing the corrected vendor check for Mayville on Friday.  Selectmen Jordan was not notified of this by the Road Agent as instructed.  The Board directed Lisa to seek clarification with the Local Government Center regarding the practice of signing checks outside of a Tuesday night meeting.

Selectmen Jordan is concerned with having to pay the Road Agent to attend department head meetings.  There was brief discussion as to the option of changing this position to a salaried one as well as looking into putting forth to the voters a change from an elected position to an appointed position. No decisions were made this evening.

The Board reviewed the sample bid from the Historical Society for the siding replacement on the Community Building.  The expense for removal of demolition materials can be taken off the bid.  The Town can dispose of them at no cost at the BCEP facility.  Lisa will notify society member Bernie Reinhardt.

The Board signed an Intent to Cut for map 5, lot 84, Williams.

The Board signed Form 218 from the Social Security Administration, allowing the Town to continue to take social security taxes from those employees contributing to the NH Retirement System.

Selectman MacCleery mentioned that the Board of Adjustment and the Planning Board are required to meet on an annual basis to discuss planning issues.  This has not been done in the past.  

The Board directed Lisa to instruct the Road Agent to obtain delivery prices for material from vendors Fillmore and Pembroke Sand & Gravel.

The minutes of April 1, 2008, were approved as written.  

Mail and correspondence were reviewed. Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

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BOS minutes
April 8, 2008

Motion Selectman MacCleery, second Selectman Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:17pm.

Respectfully submitted,                                                 

Lisa Stevens                                                    
Administrator                                                                   Approved As Written

______________________            _______________________         _______________________  
Richard DeBold, Chairman                  Stephen MacCleery               Jeffrey Jordan